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Weight Gain & Body Shape: Are You An Apple or A Pear?

Newly updated June 2019.

When it comes to gaining weight, most people fall into 3 very specific types. And losing weight only in a specific target area of weight gain isn’t easy to achieve with just diet and exercise. However, some have overcome this problem by focusing on nourishing and stimulating those glands and organs responsible for the weight gain in that target area.

The 3 most common body shape types most overweight people fall in are:

1. Apple Shape
2. Pear Shape
3. Oval Shape

The Apple shape, or ‘Thyroid-type’ body is described as one where a person’s most weight is above the waist (upper body weight gain). This includes from moderate to excessive abdominal fat, heavy fatty arms, and if a woman, she most likely is dealing with heavy and large breasts, and both may experience accumulated fat around the neck and face to the point of having a swollen appearance. A Man with this body type usually demonstrates excessive abdominal fat and/or protruding belly or gut, as some would call it. The lower half of the body consists of usually slim legs, and a smaller derrière/gluts, or tush, in proportion to the rest of the body. In other words, a woman may being dealing with having to purchase two sizes differently with a two-piece outfit: a L (Large) or bigger blouse or top size, and a M (medium) or smaller skirt or pants size.

The gland that must be stimulated so an Apple shaped person can stimulate metabolism in the upper body is the Thyroid Gland. Overweight Men suffer most with this body type appearance although many Women do as well. (The following is what I have shared with you about the Thyroid Gland in the article, “If You Desire Weight Loss, Support Those Glands!” from my Healthy Living blog.)

And a culprit responsible for weight management (also) is the Thyroid gland. The thyroid is a gland located in the front part of the neck, below the Adam’s apple. The thyroid produces hormones that regulate metabolism and are important in regulating energy, body temperature, basal metabolic rate, the use of other hormones, as well as helping to regulate growth and development. The thyroid gland and the other endocrine organs may play a role in how the body responds to changes in diet and exercise. With increasing age, metabolism naturally slows down. This occurs primarily because of normal muscle mass atrophy and a natural decrease in levels of hormones such as T3 and testosterone. An increase in the production of a hormone called Cortisol, in response to stress, may also impact weight-management efforts. T3, or triiodothyronine, is an iodine-containing hormone produced by the thyroid gland. It is synthesized under the influence of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) by attaching iodine atoms to the amino acid tyrosine. A lack of proper nutrition can have a negative effect on the thyroid and on metabolic rate. Healthy thyroid status is dependent on the presence of multiple elements necessary for the synthesis and metabolism of thyroid hormones. Irish moss, kelp and black walnut are good natural sources of iodine. Iodine plays a central role in thyroid function, being both a major constituent of thyroid hormones and a regulator of thyroid gland function. Zinc intake is also important as suboptimal dietary intakes of zinc can adversely affect thyroid hormone function. A metabolite of DHEA, may increase the production of T3, supporting metabolism and weight loss. Cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands, plays multiple roles throughout the body. In addition to its best-known role as the “stress hormone,” it is involved in glucose metabolism, regulation of blood pressure and in immune function. Cortisol levels naturally fluctuate and are highest in the morning and lowest at night. Bursts of cortisol are also released in response to physical or psychological stress. While small amounts of cortisol have positive effects, research has shown that prolonged elevated cortisol levels are connected with increased amounts of abdominal fat and also cause increased consumption of calories. Nutritional ingredients commonly suggested to counteract the physiological effects of stress associated with elevated cortisol levels include magnolia bark extract, phellodendron extract, holy basil, l-theanine and DHEA. The combination of magnolia bark extract and phellodendron extract has been shown to help curb stress related eating and mild anxiety.

The Pear shape body is one in which a person’s most weight is below the waist (lower body weight gain). This includes minimal to moderate abdominal fat, and excessive fat stores around hips, buttocks and legs which may include an appearance of cellulite and even possibly varicose veins. The upper half of the body consists of usually small to average breast size, moderate to slim arms, and usually a slim neck and face in proportion to the rest of the body. In other words, a woman may be dealing with having to purchase two different sizes with a two-piece outfit in the following manner: a S/M (small /medium) top size, and a larger M/L/XL (medium/large/extra large) skirt or pants size.

The Pear shaped body requires that a person stimulate and nourish a sluggish Liver and correct the hormonal imbalance of estrogen dominance. The liver is the filter of blood, the filter of fat and the filter of hormones. If the liver is overloaded, toxic, and exhausted, it cannot burn fat stores the same as when it is functioning properly. In the US, the staple diet high in calories, alcohol, sugar and fat, has the large majority of people suffering with liver malfunction. And even if your liver is healthy, it is crucial to maintain it fortified so it can handle exposure to drugs, toxic chemicals, GMO’s, solvents, food chemicals, pesticides and food additives. A combination of herbs that stimulates the Liver to metabolize lower body fat and help with bringing the body back to proportion is a specific cellulite formula I use with patients.

The Oval shaped body is one that has weight gain fat stores generally evenly distributed all over the body. In this case, the focus must be on the organs and glands specified for both apple and pear shapes. Use the above recommended supplements combined to metabolize fat stores and achieve weight loss all over the body.

For more on over 600 nutritional products to choose from to help You overcome your health challenges, including hundreds of unique formulas, click the following link here: www.drjulissa.mynsp.com.