Epic Women’s Health
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Epic Women’s Health

About This Project


Yes, all females are uniquely beautiful and encompass some level of strength. And yet, a Woman is a delicate, divine creature. So delicate, that if her intricate reproductive system and hormones are just slightly imbalanced, she will experience health and sexual discomforts, menstrual problems on a monthly basis that seem unbearable, and menopausal problems that seem endless. Achieving a state of balance is crucial for a Woman to feel healthy and magnificent. Allow me to help you achieve that during this EPIC Women’s Health Journey.


Sex, Women & Looking Younger

Newly updated February 2022.

Yes, it’s true. Over 43% of women in the US have some type of sexual dysfunction according to a report in The Journal of the American Medical Association. Let’s discuss in detail Poor or No Orgasm, Low Libido (Low Sexual Desire), and Frigidity.

The problem of low sexual desire is not something we are just seeing happen in today’s day and age. Women (and Men) at all times in history have felt the need for help in the sexual area. This part of our lives is at the most basic, elemental center of our being.

Poor or No Orgasm in a woman can be due to various things. Yet, research indicates the top 3 reasons for poor or no orgasm in women are: 

1. a weakened circulatory system

2. emotional disconnect with her sexual partner (since a woman’s sexual response is very much dependent on physical and emotional stimuli)

3. poor self-body image

When it comes to circulation, for a woman to be more sensitive sexually, improved blood supply to vaginal walls and the clitoris is necessary. If there is healthy circulation to the groin area, you can be sure to also be more sensitive on the famous G-Spot.

The Grafenberg spot (G-spot) is an area of heightened pleasure for any woman when it is stimulated properly. According to The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Volume 9, Issue 5, the G-spot has a distinguishable anatomic structure. Yes, Ladies (and Gentlemen), it does!  It appears as a well-delineated sac with walls that resemble fibro-connective tissues and resemble erectile tissues. Erectile tissues. Think of it. If the G-spot can actually become ‘erect’  it makes perfect sense as to why blood flow is crucial to achieving an orgasm / multiple orgasms. (See image above for the exact location in detail of the G-spot.)

Regarding poor self-body image, you must remember Ladies, that you must learn to love yourself, first and foremost. Think of your body positively, know and understand what pleases you sexually, and share with your partner your sexual fantasies and ideas, no matter what they may be. Walk around your home in the nude as often as you can. Look at yourself in the mirror often. If you do not put yourself on a pedestal and love and treat yourself as the Queen that you are, who can know how they should treat you?

Libido-lowering elements such as: the over-use of drugs (antibiotics and many prescription drugs have side effects of impairing sex drive and even cause vaginal dryness), a stressed, high-pressured, rushed lifestyle,  hormone-injected foods, foods with hormone-disrupting chemicals, and high fat nutrient-poor diets laced with sugar and refined flours, all lead to a lack of time for love-making, low energy and low libido.

Frigidity is painful intercourse usually due to vaginal dryness, and/or fear rooted in sexual trauma (possibly rape, molestation, or any other sexual episode that occurred in the woman’s life that brings her traumatic discomfort when trying to be intimate with a sexual partner). If vaginal dryness is the concern I recommend improving lubrication internally and improving skin tone ( I will give the solution for this at the end of this article).

Fear to have sex because of some physical or emotional trauma may also bring on depression. If a woman is taking anti-depressants or other medications, her libido is almost guaranteed to suffer. If she feels she cannot be pleased or please her partner, it may bring about despair and an even more depressed state, and it becomes a vicious cycle. Depression-related libido problems are resolved when we increase serotonin and also naturally improve libido with herbal aphrodisiacs (sexual enhancing herbs).

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) teaches us that all the above symptoms in women are due to weakness, weak energy, fear/fright, and ‘damp-heat’ within the body. What are the main organs that need focus and support according to TCM?  The Kidneys.

The kidneys are in charge of reproduction, growth (because they also dominate the structural system such as bones, joints, etc.) and maintenance of the metabolic balance of water. Located in the lumbar region of the body, it is said the loins (hips, groin, lower abdomen, reproductive organs) are the residence of the kidneys, so, when the kidneys are ill/diseased, symptoms may occur across the loins. Fear is the emotion related to the Kidneys. And you’ve learned enough with my past information that emotions affect us physically. In  other words, if there is Low Libido, Frigidity, and Poor Orgasm, focus on the Kidneys.

TCM further teaches us that when the Kidneys are not nourished properly, a woman may be suffering infertility also. (This is explained in detail in my new book, ‘The Naturopathic Approach To Fertility’, available on Amazon in English and Spanish editions here: http://www.amazon.com/author/drjulissa.) All should be treated by toning, strengthening, and reinforcing the kidneys’ energy. In this way we also eliminate deep rooted Fear. In my office I’ve seen time and again the concerned look in many female patients’ faces, and worry in their eyes because they just don’t ‘feel’ right.  This discomfort is formidably lifted when a woman balances and strengthens her kidneys.

* Another tip, Ladies! (And Gentlemen…) Remember I’ve also shared with all of you times before in my posts that studies show an active sex life can make you look up to 7 to 12 years younger, count them, 7 to 12 years younger! “It’s good for you to have good sex,” says David Weeks, a clinical neuropsychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, whose study on the effects of sex on aging appears in his book, Secrets of the Superyoung. With that said, All women (and men) can add to their practices of staying healthy by being active sexually, having safe sex, of course, and with this staying young and youthful for as long as possible!

If you are concerned about VAGINAL DRYNESS/VAGINAL ATROPHY see my other female health article here.

Be Well, Sexy, Happy, Youthful, Gorgeous, Healthy, Balanced, and Vibrant!